Become a member of the PTA


We have an incredible parent and teacher community at GLES.
Our goal is to support the school in a way that enriches the school experience for ALL of our students, staff, and teachers.


Your membership gives you access to discounts and perks through the national PTA, but more importantly, it allows us to continue to provide the programs and support that help make our school so special. Learn more about what the PTA does for GLES >


How to join or renew your annual membership

You can only join or renew after you have registered for the GLES Directory. Click here to join > 

Registration is $40 per family, or $20 per individual. Please contact our Membership Chair if you would like to join the PTA but have financial hardship. We can cover the cost for you.


screen capture of instructions for joining or renewing PTA membership



Where your annual membership dues go

$5.75 Washington State PTA
$2.25 National PTA
$1.50 Seattle Council PTSA
$5.50 GLES PTA operating costs